Małgorzata Traczyk

Projektantka UX, analityczka i badaczka. W branży digital od ponad 10 lat. Absolwentka SWPS na kierunku Społeczna Psychologia Internetu i Komunikacji oraz SGH na kierunku Zarządzanie Produktami i Usługami. Realizuje złożone projekty na pograniczu eksploracji i koncepcji rozwoju produktu. Pracuje przy projektach dla takich firm jak: Orbico, Eurocash, Alior Bank, PMI, Intersport, Castorama, Oponeo, Dom Developemnt, Innogy, NTFY. Prywatnie pasjonatka podróży, fotografii i musicali.
Jeżeli chcesz porozmawiać ze mną na temat produktów cyfrowych

How can the cart abandonment rate be reduced? Neo24 example

Low conversion rate, cart abandonment or small traffic at the site are just some of the problems that e-commerce market is facing. Which of these can be changed by running…

20 most creative Valentine’s Day advertisements

What can I get my other half? What would make her happy and be one of the kind? Men in love ask themselves these questions every year. But who’s even…

Amazon – a company that has changed e-commerce

When you innovate, you’ve got to be prepared for everyone telling you – you’re nuts. – Larry Ellison During one of the lectures Richard Howorth, the owner of Square Books…

10 most creative Halloween advertisements

Interesting, inspiring, memorable? These are the advertisements that cannot be ignored.   We invite you to take a look at the first entry in our “inspirational” cycle. This time we…

3 great myths about the UX tests

Pricey? Time consuming? Done at the last possible moment? There are so many myths concerning the usability testing that only the UX experts know the truth. It is different in…

Why would anyone need a UX researcher?

There are many notes concerning the quality research and usability projects in many contexts. The question remains – who is that UX researcher and what can I get out of…

Ice Bucket Challenge – computer virus anatomy

Celebrities, politicians, sportspeople as well as normal, average people are pouring buckets of cold water on their heads, all because of the Ice Bucket Challenge. This event is aimed at…

How Google tests their products?

Google routinely tests their products: these that have already been released as well as these in development. And they test their products on living and breathing users. What do they…