20 September 2023
In recent years, we have witnessed significant advancements in the field of healthcare, and one of the most promising innovations is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI technology holds…
20 September 2023
In today's fast-paced digital world, where user-centricity drives success, investing in user experience (UX) has become paramount for any industry. However, the significance of UX is even more pronounced in…
22 February 2016, Igor Farafonow
This time we took a close look at the international e-commerce market 🙂 In 2015 the value of e-commerce market in Poland surpassed 30 billion PLN, which means the increase…
15 February 2016, Igor Farafonow
I’ve recently been going through my mailbox in search of some old materials and I came across an e-mail from 2012, from the time I was in the process of…
21 December 2015, Wes McDowell
With every passing year, we as UX experts become more savvy about what works (and what doesn’t) in web design. We are finally starting to see the decline of brochure-ware…
1 December 2015, Małgorzata Traczyk
The most important, inspiring and worth remembering – take a look at the list of the best graphics on usability, ux, design and others that we came across in November.…
26 November 2015, Igor Farafonow
Remember that the quality of usability testing and reliability of results depends on two factors – proper methodology and participants chosen for the study. Let’s focus on the second factor…
16 November 2015, Doris Wójcicka
How many users don’t find information that they were looking for? How many companies fail because of bad User Experience? How many issues can be resolved by a single UX…
12 November 2015, Małgorzata Traczyk
Eric Reiss – one of the most interesting people in UX world. We asked him some questions about his past and success story. But also about the future of UX…
1 November 2015, Małgorzata Traczyk
The most important, inspiring and worth remembering – take a look at the list of the best graphics on usability, ux, design and others that we came across in October.…
28 October 2015, Magdalena Markiewicz
Leonardo da Vinci used to say that paintings are easier to appreciate than poetry because one can notice paintings’ beauty at a glance while poetry transpires its value only after…
26 October 2015, Małgorzata Traczyk
We’ve compiled a list of the 50 best memes about UX & Design! Internet memes for most of us are usually waste of time. But, we must admit – they…
22 October 2015, Igor Farafonow
Every usability test aims at confirming or denying some hypotheses. The test should not be conducted only for the sake of conducting a test. Defining proper research hypotheses is the…
12 October 2015, Magdalena Markiewicz
Millions of Apple fans all over the world admire the design of their iPhones and iPads having no idea that these products were based on ideas of a German designer…
5 October 2015, Igor Farafonow
We’d like to present 10 points that are worth remembering while creating a remote usability test. The list was created on the basis of our experience and during cooperation with…
2 October 2015, Małgorzata Traczyk
The most important, inspiring and worth remembering – take a look at the list of the best graphics on usability, ux, design and others that we came across in September.…
9 September 2015, Doris Wójcicka
In the previous text I described how to create a Customer Journey Map in few easy steps. Today I’d like to present some examples of inspiring maps which differ in…
2 September 2015, Małgorzata Traczyk
The most important, inspiring and worth remembering – take a look at the list of the best graphics on usability, ux, design and others that we came across in August.…
27 August 2015, Doris Wójcicka
How can you step in your customer’s shoes? We’d like to tell you a story on how to understand your customer’s needs, identify development opportunities and as a result increase…
10 August 2015, Małgorzata Traczyk
We present the list of 15 products that will help you get through hot, summer days. Right now Europe is experiencing a heatwave. This inspired us to create a list…