Remote Eyetracking – Uxeria’s new extension
8 January 2015, Igor Farafonow
We are working on remote eyetracking sessions. Our goal is to create absolutely new and innovative methods to enable Uxeria clients to perform remote user experience tests including eyetracking.
The biggest problem concerning remote eyetracking is that it works mostly on short time sessions – f.e. to check the eye gaze on an advert. And it doesn’t work well on long UX sessions, where task takes about 10-20 minutes. During that time respondents move their heads and most of the time we loose their eye fixations after two or three minutes.
We want to create a groundbraking solution to enable performing long-task UX tests with eyetracking. Our technology will enable to perform eyetracking on desktop websites and soon mobile. As Uxeria client you will get a precise solution for remote eyetracking – seeing the eye fixation movies, getting the eyetracking heatmaps, having ‘group’ eyetracking gaze control.
Remote eyetracking is absolutely new solution on a market – not provided by any other companies. We want to bring remote user testing to the whole new level – believing that qualitative insights should be as remarkable as possible.

Soon you will also be able to join the UXeria user testing with your analytics tool – to provide estimation about UX issues on your general conversion rates. It will segment the respondents using Google Analytics API and analyse the website flow diagrams for the behavioral models – and give you information about how to control conversion rate on your website.