Igor Farafonow

CEO Uxeria

Projektant UX z bogatym doświadczeniem w różnych projektach, obejmującym współpracę z licznymi ministerstwami nad kluczowymi polskimi e-produktami, partnerstwo z renomowanymi korporacjami (w tym Google) i rządami w ramach programów akceleracyjnych dla startupów, oraz kreację i rozwój dziesiątek startupów i venture'ów, w tym liderów w swoich kategoriach. Ponadto, pracował nad kluczowymi polskimi korporacjami i firmami technologicznymi nad strategicznymi produktami, osiągając sukcesy w digitalu i zdobywając cenne doświadczenie. Zarządza Uxerią od 12 lat, wiodącą polską firmą badawczo-projektową w obszarze UX, jednocześnie współtworzy sieć Lekarzy Innowatorów z ramienia Naczelnej Izby Lekarskiej. Jest także organizatorem i uczestnikiem ligi wyścigowej klasycznych Porsche – Liga Transaxli.
Jeżeli chcesz porozmawiać ze mną na temat produktów cyfrowych

Revolutionizing Patient Treatment and Experience: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence

In recent years, we have witnessed significant advancements in the field of healthcare, and one of the most promising innovations is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI technology holds…

The Critical Investment: User Experience in MedTech Startups

In today's fast-paced digital world, where user-centricity drives success, investing in user experience (UX) has become paramount for any industry. However, the significance of UX is even more pronounced in…

Inspirations and news in e-commerce

This time we took a close look at the international e-commerce market 🙂 In 2015 the value of e-commerce market in Poland surpassed 30 billion PLN, which means the increase…

UXer asks UXer – recruitment questions, which you should be ready to answer

I’ve recently been going through my mailbox in search of some old materials and I came across an e-mail from 2012, from the time I was in the process of…

Recruiting users for remote usability testing – some interesting facts and advice!

Remember that the quality of usability testing and reliability of results depends on two factors – proper methodology and participants chosen for the study. Let’s focus on the second factor…

Hypotheses, Prioritising, Methods and Tools – Why They Are So Important In User Testing

Every usability test aims at confirming or denying some hypotheses. The test should not be conducted only for the sake of conducting a test. Defining proper research hypotheses is the…

Remote User Testing – 10 tips to improve your user research

We’d like to present 10 points that are worth remembering while creating a remote usability test. The list was created on the basis of our experience and during cooperation with…

How testing helps increase the mailing conversion rates (case study)

What will you say when somebody asks you if you test your mailing? Sure. I test openings, clicks, I check sales conversion rates on landing ( for whatever that is).…

Problems with loyalty programs (case study)

Have you ever used loyalty programs? Not only for having a card but actually trying to do something with it? We did – many times. Here’s one of these.

Remote Eyetracking – Uxeria’s new extension

We are working on remote eyetracking sessions. Our goal is to create absolutely new and innovative methods to enable Uxeria clients to perform remote user experience tests including eyetracking. The…