UX, Usability, Design – The Best of October 2015

1 November 2015, Małgorzata Traczyk

The most important, inspiring and worth remembering – take a look at the list of the best graphics on usability, ux, design and others that we came across in October.

Reality 🙂
ux design user experience 2
source: https://instagram.com/ashleyporciuncula/

The UX tip of the day

Design vs. User Experience
ux design user experience 1
source: https://instagram.com/soenxen/

Designing With Persuasive Patterns

Lie and truth
ux design user experience 6
source: https://instagram.com/_goodmanfox/

The Tipping Point in UX Design

The UX Design Iceberg

Users and look&feel
ux design user experience 5
source: https://instagram.com/daily_ux/


Beginner vs. Master
ux design user experience 4
source: https://instagram.com/tsharon/

UX and UI

ux design user experience 3
source: https://instagram.com/tsharon/

7 critical UX Ideas that Every Manager Should Understand

Product Manager w Uxerii. Poprzednio zajmowała się projektowaniem aplikacji mobilnych, a następnie zdalnymi badaniami z użytkownikami na stanowisku UX Specialist w Fundacji Obserwatorium Zarządzania. Członek grupy roboczej Usability (IAB).